PLIERS 210222

Easy Navigation Concept 6 EASY MOVE PARALLEL PLIERS 3.1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © LAB MOD SYSTEM FRAME PARTS LAB CONSUMABLES TOOLS PLIERS EQUIPMENTS LENSES REFRACTION & ORTHOPTIC INDEX Colour BLUE: Pliers for adjusting metal frames SILICONE HANDLE COVER Ref. 03573 BLACK/BLUE 1 pair Colour GREEN: Pliers for supra and rimless frames SILICONE HANDLE COVER Ref. 03575 BLACK/GREEN 1 pair Colour CLEAR: Pliers for adjusting acetate frames SILICONE HANDLE COVER Ref. 03574 BLACK/CLEAR 1 pair Colour GREY: for cutters SILICONE HANDLE COVER Ref. 03576 BLACK/GREY 1 pair The pliers are part of TheLabModularSystem, a modular system based on colour to improve the organization of your laboratory and facilitate workflows. The system is based on the "Easy Navigation Concept": once the operation to be performed has been identified, based on the eyewear to be repaired / adjusted / assembled, thanks to the colours of the system you can easily find what is necessary to carry it out with speed and precision. Each plier family has a specific handle colour based on the type of eyewear, the material with which it is made and the operation to be performed. TheLabModularSystem TheLabModularSystem TheLabModularSystem TheLabModularSystem